Let’s do the TIMEWARP 2019 Showcase.

Let’s do the TIMEWARP 2019 Showcase.

What an amazing show it was!!! Here are just a few snaps from the evening…

The mad cap professor and his team of workers that invented and built the time machine…
Our dinky disco dinosaurs when we landed in the Jurassic Era.
The tricks and turns Under 8s team throwing it back to 1970!
Boyz on the Block showing us their best MC hammer impression!
Our gorgeous little evacuee ballerinas…
Our funky feet team rocking their 1950s jive.
The older Musical Theatre kiddies being reminded not too make too many visits or they risk getting stuck in time!!!
Our older Tricks and Turns kids taking us back to the 80s with some classic Madonna Vogue!
More Tricks and Turns… this time in the 1920s.
The Shenstone beauties taking us back to the 60s.
Our Under 8s Musical Theatre team living their best life as the Spice Girls.
Our wonderful Over 8s Musical Theatre team took us back to the 30s.
Girl Gang and Simply Squad smashed a year 2000 megamix.
And our final dance was set in the future!

So proud of all our wonderful kiddies!

Another year and another great showcase written and produced by The Simply Performers Gang.